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Count, owner of the site; site will mainly focus about random stuffs for now. Going to try and make it as interesting as possible. I might go for the fighting game community in general. But undecided really.. or art in video games.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MW2 suggestions

Here's my improvement list to make COD MW2 a tiny bit better:

- Tactical Insertion flare should not light up that high. You can see Tact. Insertion through walls..
- Attack Helicopter needs more time in the air, and as fast or lower than PaveLow. Pavelow is deadly because it takes 2 hits to take it down and it's pretty fast.
Or just a suggestion, but I don't mind making AH to be able to choose which spot you put it (like precision airs.) So it patrols around that area. Like a mini pavelow. I think that would be cool (The circle cursor should be as big as WaW's artillery)
- Accepting friend invites should NOT count as a loss. (I want this for numerous reasons)
- I think it would be nice to have the messaging chat system like what MGO has xD
- "Clip it". I'm pretty sure the power of the PS3 can do this. Records last match and you can clip and upload it. WHY DOESEN'T COD HAVE THIS WHILE UC2 HAS IT!? I get so many 360 quick scopes GWK, and some other stuff.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Was on Vacaaation and COD:MW2 tip of the day

Was on Vacation.

MW2: Tip of the day

Instead of just running into a group of enemy, throw a flashbang if you want to flank em, and use stuns when your flanking them from the back.
Yeah, I know the tip is a bit to obvious but I've seen way too much people not using their special grenades.

Pinoy clan is still recruiting.
We are the ones with the
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Only on PS3.

PSN: Pinoy-Count-X