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Count, owner of the site; site will mainly focus about random stuffs for now. Going to try and make it as interesting as possible. I might go for the fighting game community in general. But undecided really.. or art in video games.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

~ MVC 2 End of July/ zOMG/ Cross Edge DLC

And you thought knowing that KOFXII will be delayed to mid July was worse; MvC is said to be dated at end of July, instead of rumored June 29.

Capcom Unity:

"MvC2 is not actually coming out on June 29, sorry guys. Not sure where that rumor came from, but it's going to be closer to the end of July."

Well, I guess we can wait a little bit, BlazBlue/ KOFXII/ Garou: MoW can surely help us wait.

I just tried out Gaia Online's zOMG, and I got to say, it's actually quite impressive. A very good substitution from a Downloadable MMORPG game.

Gaia online
Once you have an account, just go to Games > zOMG.

Cross Edge (PS3) DLC schedules

EDITED: I posted every DLC on the blog, But the list was too huge.

So if your curious about seeing all the upcoming Cross Edge DLC's for the ps3. Here's the link.

Cross Edge Official Website

I recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed Valkyrie Profile/ Disgaea/ Ar Tonelico Series.

The game is very challenging, And the game gets very good at around the 5th hour lapse.
I recommend this game to people who are very patient, and thinks that hard labor gives off good rewards.

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