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Count, owner of the site; site will mainly focus about random stuffs for now. Going to try and make it as interesting as possible. I might go for the fighting game community in general. But undecided really.. or art in video games.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

- BlazBlue > GG (Storyline)

I've been really "into" the Guilty gear ever since the first one (PS1, Justice was hard as ****).
Been through the beginning until GG:XXAC. I didn't really find the story of Guilty Gear appealing, but the soundtrack was great.

Until BlazBlue arrived. I thought it would be a nice clone of GG with mediocre wannabe GG music and no plot at all. But let me tell you, I was so wrong about this.

It seems BlazBlue has more depth on the story than anyone's first impression of the game is.
I'm guessing there would obviously gonna be a sequel, which is more exciting than GG releasing another GG with just an added X or "Reload" (...)
SO I started playing GG a bit on the pc, knowing if my skills has gotten better or gotten worse after playing BlazBlue. But I found everything was a tad boring, (+ forgot every Slayer combo I've ever knew..)

I guess I'm gonna stick with the BlazBlue series now. Read the storyline and pay attention of the story, It's so damn great, once you understand what would happen or what has happened, and knowing each character relationships.

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